John Kenny Photographers

Prints are available in Presentation Folders

8″ X 6″ £8.80

10″ X 8″ £15.00

12″ X 10″ £20.00

Simply send your name address and phone No. with a cheque payable to John Kenny quoting reference no. of photo to:

Mr J Kenny, 16 Joseph Conrad House, Bishops Way, Canterbury Kent.

Phone 01227 767665


John Warrener

David with his best man John Warrenercnv00001cnv00008cnv00009cnv00010cnv00011cnv00013cnv00014cnv00015cnv00016cnv00034 cnv00017 cnv00018 cnv00019 cnv00020 cnv00021 cnv00022 cnv00023 cnv00025 cnv00026 cnv00027 cnv00029 cnv00031 cnv00032 cnv00033

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