
We were married on the 6th November 2005 at:
Howfield Manor Hotel, Howfield Lane, Chartham, Canterbury, Kent CT4 7HQ

2.00pm  – Guests arrive

                  Pre Wedding Music – 2.30pm                 

Wedding Service conducted by – Georgina

Registrar – Janice

Reading of the Poem ‘The Owl and the pussycat’ –  by Colleen Damms and Caroline Wellard

Wedding Vows

Signing of the register

Yes I will                                                        – The Hollies

If I were a carpenter                                   – Bobby Darin

You’re my inspiration                                – Chicago

Bridal Procession  – Anne Stokes

3.00pm                  Wedding Photo’s

4.20pm                  Reception Welcome

4.30pm                  Wedding Celebration Dinner  followed by

Speeches:             The Brides Family – Anne Stokes

                                 Proposes Toast to Bride and Groom 

                                The Bridegroom replies on behalf of his wife

                                Proposes Toast to the Guests

                               The Best man replies on behalf of the Grooms Family

                                Proposes Toast to the Bride and Groom

6.45pm                  Retire to Lounge Bar

7.30pm                  Evening Reception

Music by A1 Discos

8.15pm                  Bride and Groom welcome dance

Music by Bruce Winters

9.00pm                  Buffet

Music by A1 Disco

9.45pm                 Music by Bruce Winters

11.00pm               Music by A1 Disco

11.30pm               The end of the beginning

 See our wedding photos